Yellow Sapphire (‘Pukhraj’ in Hindi) is a yellow colored precious gemstone known for its innumerable astrological benefits.
Who should wear a Yellow Sapphire?
Yellow Sapphire is the birthstone for Sagittarius sunsign (22 Nov – 21 Dec). In Indian astrology, Pukhraj gemstone is the rashi ratna for Sagittarius and Pisces. Yellow Sapphire stone strengthens Jupiter (Brihaspati) and brings its wearer wealth, wisdom, spirituality and health. Ascendants of Aries, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio can also wear a Yellow Sapphire.
Which Yellow Sapphire stone should I buy?
Pukhraj stone should ideally weigh at least 1/12th in carats of your body weight. (50 kg body weight = 4 carat stone)
The stone should preferably have high clarity, mid to deep yellow color and no chemical or heat treatments.
For Astrological purpose, Ceylon Yellow Sapphires (Sri Lankan) are considered to be the best Yellow Sapphires.
Yellow Sapphire Benefits
- Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj stone brings wealth, status, respect and prosperity to its wearer.
- It is highly beneficial for people in administrative, judicial, management and top level influential jobs.
- Yellow Sapphire benefits people in the Education sector like scholars, teachers etc. as it is symbolic of Jupiter (Guru).
- Pukhraj stone (Yellow Sapphire gemstone) creates auspicious timing for higher educational qualifications and specialization.
- Medically, Yellow Sapphire is said to cure chronic diseases. It is widely worn to help in curing Liver ailments and obesity related conditions.
- Pukhraj benefits childless couples, especially women, in conceiving heirs and children.